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The Higher-Purpose Fund

There has come a time in which our divine intentions and our enthused efforts have far exceeded our abilities to expand using the methods GOD allowed in our early days.

Since 2002, many Faith-Based Initiatives have been self-funded primarily by one of the anonymous servants who stewards primary oversight responsibilities as part of an independent management team.



Our mode of operation and future intentions have always been to use multiple streams of revenue to fund our operations. This is the same concept we promote at Tandem Economic Achievement Mission (TEAM) and how we hope to eventually serve millions of ministers/ministries (servants/services), artists (of all the arts), entrepreneurs, etc.  We have the deepest desires and divine intentions to help countless purpose-driven individuals establish independent funding that frees them from the dependency on loans, government agencies, or volatile financial contributions from the public.



However, we never wish to misrepresent Wisdom from above by not allowing you or others to easily co-labor with us in this mission to help multitudes of like-minded kindred spirits. Instead, we hope to be an example for you and many others in providing simple ways that allow others to partner with all of us in our individual and collective higher purposes.



Our resource development will continue to grow in volume and in social impact. So, we realize it is important to allow others to contribute to this mission (along with the founding overseer) in freely providing valuable resources to those who can benefit from them worldwide. Since this glorious responsibility is increasing dramatically, we're extending a divine opportunity for anyone who wishes to contribute with us at this strategic time. When you freely give to help us supply what you and others freely receive, you —along with us— enjoy the spiritual and natural rewards from the fruits of our collective service and our generous labors of Divine Love. 






We are certainly spiritually, emotionally and economically strengthened when those we render services to help express their gratitude by freely giving back. We regard any transaction to do this as a holy offering to GOD alone, and a royal gift to the KING of the KINGDOM we extravagantly serve. Every penny of every dollar that is sown into this fertile ground is humbly received and deeply appreciated as a holy sacrifice.



Thank you in advance for any contributions to advance the KINGDOM of GOD on Earth. We understand that everything you do in an effort to help this cause is highly valued by those you may not see. 

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