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[ XTTX ]


These are unusual, but exciting days.


We pray that they become the divine catalyst for the most extraordinary years and decades you could ever imagine!


May your days, weeks, months and years ahead become your realization of divine dreams coming true in ways that transcend your present beliefs! May you BECOME ALL that you were designed to become, and may you ACHIEVE ALL that your Life Mission will require of you to fulfill Heaven's Call on your life.


If you are a friend, spiritual family, a KINGDOM partner, and/or a business or ministry associate, we look forward to the journey ahead that we are honored and privileged to share with you.


The resources you've been given unlimited free access to in the past will continue to evolve, becoming more and more valuable and useful to the masses. By adding yourself to this list and/or maintaining accuracy in your current contact information on the roster, all enhancements to our resources will become accessible to you in the future. 


ALL versions of our former resources will experience brand new XXpressions with their rebirth beginning in the early 2020's. And, virtually all resources will become accessible from the new XTTX portal nexus, designed to become a SuperSimplified CyberCenter featuring personalized opt-ins from one (1) master contact list.


This XTTX master contact list is essentially a KINGDOM-seeking roster of comrades & candidates who are kept inside the loop of communications on future developments, and gain immediate free access to new tools and resources as they are released throughout our extended soft-launch season.

Thank you for visiting and learning more about the XTTX Roster.


If you feel that the HOLY SPIRIT has sent you here and HEAVEN is inviting you to join this roster, then we certainly welcome you also!





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