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Welcome to the


at XTTX CyberCenter #001.



This is where you, as one of the specially sent ones, can connect with the ones who serve here in a much more personalized way.


If you’re here for one of your first times and you’re feeling compelled to discreetly make yourself known to us as one who feels “at home” with the web-space and/or the resources you’ve gained free access to, then we invite you to use THE CONNECTION form here to make your first official contact.



After using the CONNECTION SECTION to make your first contact, please feel free to email CyberCenter Admin at any time for any reason at  Simply begin your SUBJECT LINE with:  #XTTX#  ...and your incoming email will be properly sorted and attended to by CyberCenter Admin.



You can also respond to any and every bulletin sent to our XTTX contact list by simply using the REPLY function in your email. 


Regardless of the return email address on the bulletins, updates, or real-time Rhema sent, there will always only be one human-being —a founding admin— assigned to handle your incoming communications during this special transitional launch phase.  This is to ensure you of the most private and secure communications possible whenever you wish to make a more personal contact during these critical times.


The Connection

Thank  you  for  connecting!





The divine nature of our particular commission requires a much different approach to service in the KINGDOM of GOD on Earth than what has become the traditionally accepted norms. Our norms in virtually ALL domains of life are vastly different.


There are important reasons why our embryonic ekklesian unit maintains anonymity of its InnerCircle of operatives whenever possible. Some of these reasons will probably never be publicized. None of the reasons involve fear, shame, inferiority, or any other ungodly motivation. 


On the contrary, the heavenly wisdom we are divinely privileged to apply to our sanctum of operations continuously yields indescribable peace, purity, and the pleasure of pleasing Heaven's courts with holy services in keeping with the contractual agreements of our commission. 


We wish to remain committed to ALWAYS build according to the divine blueprint given to us, and to ALWAYS make it PRIORITY to follow EVERY instruction that comes to us from Heaven to the best of our ability.




We understand that CERTAIN higher purposes for our anonymity should be widely known in order to educate and inspire HEAVENLY CHANGE and to REFOCUS the attention of the special ones where our attention belongs most. We gladly share one of the many HIGHER PURPOSES of our anonymity on the PDF version of this space.


Please absorb the Spirit of the CONNECTION SECTION document in light of the highest purposes of GOD's KINGDOM and its imminent establishment on the Earth by our KING and HIS end-time ekklesia.





Use the button below for access

to some the most important information

you should have from the CONNECTION SECTION.


This is the real-time reconstruction space for XTTX CyberCenter 001.  InnerCircle visitors are welcomed to spy out new landscapes of our future journey together.  XTTX mobile site developments are not public yet.  To absorb the SPIRIT of what is to come, please use the largest display screens available to you that are larger than your mobile phones.

XTTX CyberCenters only use a select number of

"XTTX" web-domains. Click or tap here for OUR domains.

If it's anything other than these, IT'S NOT US.

Our XTTX does not use social media accounts.

So you cannot connect with US on social media.

If there's an XTTX on social media, IT'S NOT US.

You can only connect with XTTX CyberCenter

at THE CONNECTION page here at XTTX.

( OO-Cyborg )

XTTX is an invitational nexus of portals

a multi-faceted, multi-layered, multi-purposed,

SuperSimplified CyberCenter hosting specialized agencies

who facilitate support for The Final Great AWAKENING 

a trans-dimensional Heavenly KINGDOM Renaissance on Earth.

{ XTTX }
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