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[ XTTX ]


For your convenience, we're linking the most important updates and "rhema" for this multi-launch season here at This page will remain visible throughout the multi-launch process.  However, because of the increasing value and the sensitive nature of our resources going forward, we may not be allowed to provide publicly accessible archives to all future communications.

A PERSONAL OPT-IN SUBSCRIPTION is required to receive XTTX rhema bulletins. 

( XTTX updates )


To A Brand New Season

of Heavenly Intel!

The most recent bulletins appear on top.


Date format used:  MM/DD/YYYY

Time zone used:  North American Central Time (NACT)

NACT (North American Central Time), also known as CT, is a time zone in parts of Canada, central regions of the United States, the majority of Mexico and Central America, along with the Gulf of Mexico and parts of eastern Pacific Ocean. Throughout the Multi-Launch, we will base much of our (time/date) communications scheduling using NACT.

(( HP FUND )) profile.png
{ Higher-Purpose Fund }

This is the real-time reconstruction space for XTTX CyberCenter 001.  InnerCircle visitors are welcomed to spy out new landscapes of our future journey together.  XTTX mobile site developments are not public yet.  To absorb the SPIRIT of what is to come, please use the largest display screens available to you that are larger than your mobile phones.

XTTX CyberCenters only use a select number of

"XTTX" web-domains. Click or tap here for OUR domains.

If it's anything other than these, IT'S NOT US.

Our XTTX does not use social media accounts.

So you cannot connect with US on social media.

If there's an XTTX on social media, IT'S NOT US.

You can only connect with XTTX CyberCenter

at THE CONNECTION page here at XTTX.

( OO-Cyborg )

XTTX is an invitational nexus of portals

a multi-faceted, multi-layered, multi-purposed,

SuperSimplified CyberCenter hosting specialized agencies

who facilitate support for The Final Great AWAKENING 

a trans-dimensional Heavenly KINGDOM Renaissance on Earth.

{ XTTX }
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