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The Tandem Economic Achievement Mission (TEAM) has entered into a long-awaited prophetically foretold Multi-Launch Season with the TANDEM ACTION COMMISSION — Generation 3 of Tandem Action Culture (TAC3).




During the Summer of 2023 and continuing thru the end of the year, we began establishing a brand new private Web Presence in deep collaboration with a parenting conglomerative organization. Though independent of the XTTX CyberCenter, the Organization highly supports the future vision of


The new Web Presence became a principal project that exceeded our original plans because it involved so many global connections and universal strategies. We soon learned that GOD had plans for our new beginnings that required much more preparation behind the scenes than we could've ever imagined at that time in 2023.


As we've stated before, our multi-launch operations will remain completely interdependent with our primary objectives including (but not limited to) the full-time release of higher-purpose-driven individuals into the harvest fields of their divine calling.


However, there is so much more than we can even hint at here, and so much that must remain undisclosed at this early stage of launching and scaling socioeconomic operations.


With continued Help from Above —thru Whom this is all made possible— we will offer our spiritual, natural and supernatural support to those of you whom are also being commissioned by GOD to fund end-time KINGDOM expansion from a personal position of financial independence, especially from worldly systems that financially enslave people unjustly.




We expect to begin gathering a well-paid Multi-Launch Team of thousands of individuals throughout the Spring & Summer of 2024, with MAY 2024 being our first full month of global operations with our strategic partnerships.


Those who join with us in this socio-economic movement will begin using a much better way to fund your lives and the lives of others who are called to help fund the rapid expansion of the end-time KINGDOM ekklesia on earth.







YOU will succeed with us.






. . . as we stay submitted to Heaven, 

following The One Who commissioned us.







FOR MORE INFORMATION and to be informed on the 2024 Multi-Launch, be sure you've placed your FULL NAME on the XTTX Roster with your BEST EMAIL ADDRESS at

This is the real-time reconstruction space for XTTX CyberCenter 001.  InnerCircle visitors are welcomed to spy out new landscapes of our future journey together.  XTTX mobile site developments are not public yet.  To absorb the SPIRIT of what is to come, please use the largest display screens available to you that are larger than your mobile phones.

XTTX CyberCenters only use a select number of

"XTTX" web-domains. Click or tap here for OUR domains.

If it's anything other than these, IT'S NOT US.

Our XTTX does not use social media accounts.

So you cannot connect with US on social media.

If there's an XTTX on social media, IT'S NOT US.

You can only connect with XTTX CyberCenter

at THE CONNECTION page here at XTTX.

( OO-Cyborg )

XTTX is an invitational nexus of portals

a multi-faceted, multi-layered, multi-purposed,

SuperSimplified CyberCenter hosting specialized agencies

who facilitate support for The Final Great AWAKENING 

a trans-dimensional Heavenly KINGDOM Renaissance on Earth.

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